Monday, November 9, 2009


Ever heard that song "Be Careful Little Eyes What You See?" It's an old Sunday school song taught to children.

Honestly, I've always hated that song. It communicates so much pressure to be perfect. No wonder kids are neurotic sometimes.

But then again -- it is important to remember that people are looking to us Christians as an example. They judge God by the way we behave --

From 2 Corinthians 6:1-10 --

Our work as God's servants gets validated—or not—in the details. People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly . . . in hard times, tough times, bad times; when we're beaten up, jailed, and mobbed; working hard, working late, working without eating; with pure heart, clear head, steady hand; in gentleness, holiness, and honest love; when we're telling the truth, and when God's showing his power; when we're doing our best setting things right; when we're praised, and when we're blamed; slandered, and honored; true to our word, though distrusted; ignored by the world, but recognized by God; terrifically alive, though rumored to be dead; beaten within an inch of our lives, but refusing to die; immersed in tears, yet always filled with deep joy; living on handouts, yet enriching many; having nothing, having it all.

So no matter what we do, or when, or how -- we must take care. It's a lot to handle and a high standard -- but then again, the One who set the standard is the one who enables us to do it. And not only that, but even gives us our next breath.

In, and out. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Aaah. And the next one comes from the God that loves us more than anything in the world, and more than anyone else ever could.


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