Thursday, May 27, 2010

Proverbs 26, Part 2

From Proverbs 26 -- with commentary  -- 

16 Dreamers fantasize their self-importance;
   they think they are smarter
   than a whole college faculty. 

I wish I could count the times I've heard my kids (and even I have said) this:  "This assignment from my teacher is just stupid.  It's not teaching me anything."  As if we know better.

17 You grab a mad dog by the ears
   when you butt into a quarrel that's none of your business. 

And this is exactly why taking up an offense for someone else is a bad idea.  Just because it is an injustice doesn't mean it's any of your affair.

18-19 People who shrug off deliberate deceptions,
   saying, "I didn't mean it, I was only joking,"
Are worse than careless campers
   who walk away from smoldering campfires. 

This is something I absolutely detest -- when someone puts you down and then sloughs it off as a joke.  Let's face it; that's just lying right to your face, and leaves you smoldering with anger.  Like tossing a match into a forest.

20 When you run out of wood, the fire goes out;
   when the gossip ends, the quarrel dies down. 

Take away the fuel and the fire stops wrecking everything.  

 21 A quarrelsome person in a dispute
   is like kerosene thrown on a fire.

Arguing about something you're trying to solve is just going to make it worse.  What's more important -- being right, or fixing what's wrong?

22 Listening to gossip is like eating cheap candy;
   do you want junk like that in your belly? 

Or those words in your brain?  That impression in your mind?  It's tempting but it's SO destructive.

23 Smooth talk from an evil heart
   is like glaze on cracked pottery. 

It sure looks good -- except for that one major flaw.  

24-26 Your enemy shakes hands and greets you like an old friend,
   all the while conniving against you.
When he speaks warmly to you, don't believe him for a minute;
   he's just waiting for the chance to rip you off.
No matter how cunningly he conceals his malice,
   eventually his evil will be exposed in public.

What goes around comes around.

27 Malice backfires;
   spite boomerangs.


28 Liars hate their victims;
   flatterers sabotage trust.

And when this person then wants you to believe in them, it's all been ruined.  So don't be that person.


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