Saturday, August 13, 2011

House Arrest

The Cheating Police pulled us over tonight.  I got a ticket and Makaela got a warning.  Makaela's taking hers to court and fighting it.

Here's how the whole thing went down.

Mia:  Mom, did you not make this lasagna?
Me:  Honey, I never make lasagna.  I always buy it.  I haven't made real lasagna since the days when your Grandma would come over and we'd cook and freeze everything.
Mia:  What!  This lasagna is a lie!  You cheated!

Later . . .

Me:  I made Italian for dinner, and it was good!
Mia:  You cheated.  Cheater.

Even later. . .
Mia, as she watched Makaela solve her Rubik's cube:  What are you doing?
Makaela: I'm solving it.
Mia:  You're talking to yourself.  You're saying 'up, over, up, over, over, up, over.'
Makaela:  I'm using algorithms.
Mia:  You're totally cheating.
Makaela:  No I'm not.
Mia:  Cheat cheat Cheater.  You're cheating, you cheating cheeeeaaaterrrr.

Later --

Makaela:  I am not a cheater. 
Mia:  Cheating cheater!  Go do your Cheater's Cube!  This is a house of lies.  I'm going to bed.


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