Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hello There, Old Friend

From Proverbs 25 --

Like a cool drink of water when you're worn out and weary
is a letter from a long-lost friend.

Do you use Facebook? I've found so many friends, from high school, college, places I used to work and live. Hearing from them is just like that -- a cool drink when you're worn out.

God sure knew how to sum up concisely.



  1. I do use facebook, but not as well as you. I can't really remember so many people from high school.

  2. I use it, small Christian high school I graduated from, I think everyone in a 10 year age radius has found me. I go to a large church and people I've met have friended me on facebook and actually became friends because of it. All things bright and technological!


That'll be two cents for your opinion, please. And thanks as always for commenting at Today at Jen's House. : )