Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Not Fair

God really doesn't care if things aren't fair.

How do I know this?  Pretty easy.  First, the prodigal son.  Second, the guys who were hired for a specific wage for the day, working all day, and then getting paid the same amount as the guys who walked in an hour before work stopped.

I'm sure there are more examples.  And then there's where He says that He sends the sun and rain on both the righteous and unrighteous.

If there is one thing I've repeated over and over in my life it is this:  But it's not fair!  Just ask my mother, who probably was ready to run from the house screaming if she had to hear me say it one more time.

(And by the way, I'm getting paid back for that from my daughter Mia, who likes to repeat it).

I could stand here shaking my fist at the sky, but we all know how much that accomplishes.  I sure don't understand it fully.  I get the whole justice=fair and mercy=not always fair.  But it still bothers me.

All I can say is this:  It's not fair!

Not fair for my hairbrush. Not fair! My poor hairbrush. Not fair, not fair, no hair, not fair, no where, no hair, not fair, not fair, not fair! My little hairbrush!
                                                           -- Larry the Cucumber, The Hairbrush Song, Veggie Tales.

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