Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hat Tricks.

I have to admit, it never ceases to amaze me that all we have to do to become Christians is believe.

That's it.  Believe.

I am a person of action.  I feel like I'm slacking off unless I'm doing something.  When I see a problem, I don't believe that it will be solved as much as I just do something about it.  I am a human doing.

We like all this doing, don't we?  It makes us feel as if we've made progress a little further down the line, down the journey.  We like to measure our accomplishments.  We like for others to see how far we've come.  We like to look back at the progress and reassure ourselves that yes, it's there, and we can believe it because we can see it.  We like to make it a tangible thing.

But just believing doesn't do any of that.  You can't see it, so you can't measure it.  I can imagine God rolling His eyes and saying "All this with the measuring!  Are we really back to that again?"  Our God is a God of the intangible.  That's probably why the Pharisees had such trouble with Jesus.

The things of God are not the things of people.  Once again I am reminded that God's kingdom is the kingdom of the upside down, that everything is pretty much turned on its head when it comes to God.  For humans, just believing is never enough.  We are fond of saying "just because you believe it doesn't make it true." 

Are we really sure about that?  Because believing Jesus is your Saviour does make it true.  It is true.  It will be true no matter who believes it or not. 

I love that about God.  When people in churches answer an altar call and are asked to repeat a confession of faith, I always say it with them.  You should try it - it's such a great reminder that contrary to popular belief, believing is 100% reality.  Pun intended.

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